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Discover the Benefits of an Energy Makeover – Save Energy & Cut Costs Today!

Benefits of an Energy Makeover

As the world is growing, our electricity needs are also growing. From starting our day with a hot water shower to ending the day by turning off the lights. We need electricity at every step. But as the demand is growing, the rates are also going higher. And at times, one may have to think about cost-effective ways to use electricity. To everyone’s excitement, there are ways that help you save energy and cut costs. And those ways include energy makeovers and adding new appliances in your home that save energy and are pocket-friendly.

What is an Energy Makeover?

An energy makeover means adding systems to your home or business that save you energy and high electricity bills. Changing your appliances, making some adjustments, or upgrading them helps you save energy. There are numerous options that help you save energy. Adding them to your home or business leads to an energy makeover.

You might be thinking, Is it possible that by changing lights, air conditioning, and hot water systems you can save energy? Well, it is true. Tassie Solar offers different appliances that help you save energy and eventually save your money. Here are the appliances we offer that help you save energy and cut costs.


  1. Hot water
  2. Aircons


  1. Lightning
  2. Hot water 
  3. Cold rooms

By integrating this into your home or commercial premises, you save energy. Plus, they are not very expensive, and eventually, they will save you money.

Now, let’s read about the benefits you get from an energy makeover.

  1. Reduced carbon footprint and environmental impact: Energy makeovers not only benefit your bank account; it also help you save the environment. The lower energy consumption reduces the carbon footprint, and in a way, you contribute to a good cause. By energy makeover, you are creating a healthy environment for yourself and are saving it for your future generation.
  2. Improved home comfort and efficiency: As you integrate appliances that need less power to deliver, you improve the quality of life. If you add air conditioning that doesn’t release harmful chemicals, then you add a layer of safety and comfort for your family. Or if you install LED lights in your warehouse that don’t consume more power yet share the same amount of brightness, then you are also saving energy, but at the same time, you are creating a bright ambiance. In this way, they add a layer of comfort and save energy too.
  3. Increase the value of your home: It is a fact that homes with energy-efficient products are highly recommended and sold instantly in the market. By installing energy-saving appliances in your home, you not only save electricity bills but also prove to be cost-effective in installation. It is noted that in Victoria people are buying homes or business premises that have energy-efficient products. They increase your home value at the same time, it becomes pocket-friendly to anyone buying your home.
  4. Significant cost savings on your electricity bills: One of the biggest benefits is that it saves you from huge electricity bills. The hot water system, air conditioning, lighting, cold rooms, etc. lower your bills by a substantial amount. These all products also lead you to long-term savings as they only ask for buying and installation charges. After that, there is minimum maintenance they need. Also, air conditioning, cold rooms, and heating systems eliminate harmful chemicals and create a safe environment for you and your family, or for your employees at work. Having an energy makeover is surely the best option you can choose nowadays.
  5. Government rebates and incentives: If one may find energy makeovers a bit expensive, then there are programmes in Victoria that offer rebates and incentives for citizens to buy. These programmes’ sole aim is to make energy-efficient products available for users and create a safe environment at the same time.


It is always the right time to have an energy makeover. As it not only saves you money but also reduces carbon footprints, it serves a good cause for nature and future generations. With government rebates, it becomes easier to buy and install products that consume less energy. By eliminating harmful chemicals, you choose a healthy, cost-effective way of life.

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